- SPHINX Bhujangasana 11 A great stretch for the front of the body In prone position this back-bend lifts the curve of the spine from the lower back, upward to the thoracic area. Releases shoulders, opens chest, stretches the front of the spine. Benefits Winter Meridians Kidney/Stomach.
- COBRA POSE Bhujangasana 1 The back-bend demands more arm strength than Sphinx pose. Opens the chest, increases mobility in spine. Stimulates the digestive organ. Helps prevent back problems. Benefits the Stomach Meridian -Stomach/Small Inestine.
- UPWARD FACING DOG POSE Urdhva Mulha Svanasana Opens the chest, strengthens wrists, shoulders and back, opens chest. works spine. One of the postures of Sun Salutation sequence. The body is suspended in the air like a "suspension bridge. Autumn Meridian
- DOWNWARD FACING DOG POSE Adho Mukha Svanasana Resembling the motion of a dog extending its spine and legs. Stretches the entire back of the body down to heels. Opens chest & improves breathing Internal organs are inverted and are stimulated This inverted pose helps to improve lymph and venous circulation. Urinary Bladder Meridian stretch
- HALF BRIDGE POSE Setu Bandhasana Setu means "bridge". A great preparation for the shoulder stand. The entire back is strengthened from the shoulder to the buttocks and thighs. Stomach Meridian stretch
- HEAD TO KNEE POSE Janu Sirsasana Janu means "knee" and sirs means "head". The posture of humility bows the head over the knee. As the hips open it creates a deep release in the hamstrings. Beneficial for stiff backs or scoliosis Benefits, liver meridian and the same time it also benefits the Urinairy bladder meridian when variations are added.
- ALTERNATE NOSTRIL BREATH Nadi-Sodhana Helps with digestion, soothes and invigorates the nerves Cleans sinuses, helps regulate blood pressure. Purifies, cleans the Nadis (energy). Useful for leading you into meditation. Benefits Autumn Meridians - Lungs/Large Intestine.
- PRAY SEAL MUDRA Anjali Mudra Used to greet, thank and express respect, Especially used at end of a class. Joining both palms of the hands together and pressing the thumb to the breastbone is a reminder of the practice of cultivation of physical and mental attitudes during practice
- CHAKRAS Emotional centres located along the spine and felt in the trunk of the body. Pranayama (focused breathing) especially helps balance these chakras.